經文:「即便有不信的,這有何妨呢?難道他們的不信,就廢掉神的信麼?」(羅3:3) 我可以說:我一生所有的憂慮都是由不信產生的。如果我可以時常相信:已往的一切都已蒙神赦免;現在的一切帶有主的能力;將來的一切必定充滿光明。因為永恆的眞實,不會因我的冷淡而變更,不會因我的失敗而消滅,我怎能不歡喜快樂呢?--司買丹 James Smetham 當我們帶著不信的惡心來懷疑神的應許的時候,奇怪的是我們就得不著那個應許。這不是說我們的信心就該受到神的答應,也不是說神的答應是能用信心賺得的;而是因為神曾這樣命令:得允許的條件就是信心。賜恩者自有主權決定任何條件來換取祂的恩賜。--赫德 Samuel Hart 不信說:「為什麼會這樣?為什麼會那樣?」;信心只用一個字去答覆祂的千萬個「為什麼」,那個字就是:「神」!--馬今都 C. H. M. 從來沒有一個人可以只花極少的時間禱告,卻獲得極大的成功;有人說世上如果興起一個完全相信的人來,世界的歷史就會發生改變。親愛的讀者,你願不願意興起成為這個人呢?--馬克亞當 A. E. McAdam 沒有信心的禱告,會成為一種沒有目標的習慣與簡陋的虛偽。如果你還沒有用全人同心合意地祈禱,我勸你還是慢點再祈禱。眞實的祈禱一發聲,天地都會同聲說阿們;耶穌基督的祈禱就是這樣。-- P. C. M. 沒有一件事物不能藉著祈禱求得,除非那件事物在神的旨意以外。 |
Scripture: "For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?" (Rom. 3:3). I think that I can trace every scrap of sorrow in my life to simple unbelief. How could I be anything but quite happy if I believed always that all the past is forgiven, and all the present furnished with power, and all the future bright with hope because of the same abiding facts which do not change with my mood, do not stumble because I totter and stagger at the promise through unbelief, but stand firm and clear with their peaks of pearl cleaving the air of Eternity, and the bases of their hills rooted unfathomably in the Rock of God. Mont Blanc does not become a phantom or a mist because a climber grows dizzy on its side. --James Smetham Is it any wonder that, when we stagger at any promise of God through unbelief, we do not receive it? Not that faith merits an answer, or in any way earns it, or works it out; but God has made believing a condition of receiving, and the Giver has a sovereign right to choose His own terms of gift. --Rev. Samuel Hart Unbelief says, "How can such and such things be?" It is full of "hows"; but faith has one great answer to the ten thousand "hows," and that answer is--GOD! --C. H. M. No praying man or woman accomplishes so much with so little expenditure of time as when he or she is praying. If there should arise, it has been said--and the words are surely true to the thought of our Lord Jesus Christ in all His teaching on prayer--if there should arise ONE UTTERLY BELIEVING MAN, the history of the world might be changed. Will YOU not be that one in the providence and guidance of God our Father? --A. E. McAdam Prayer without faith degenerates into objectless routine, or soulless hypocrisy. Prayer with faith brings Omnipotence to back our petitions. Better not pray unless and until your whole being responds to the efficacy of your supplication. When the true prayer is breathed, earth and heaven, the past and the future, say Amen. And Christ prayed such prayers. --P. C. M. "Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God." | Mrs. Charles Cowman