6月 1日 為何掛慮



安息罷,主耶穌是你的船長!當你看見波浪翻騰船身顚簸,就以為船長不在船上麼?不,祂始終都在,並且負責到底;你只需要相信,不怕,就能靜享平安!--司布眞 C. H. Spurgeon

我要懇請你,不要為沮喪留地步,因為這是一個非常危險且精巧的引誘;它會使你的心收縮、枯萎,以致不能接受恩典。它也會將事情擴大,又描上凶險的顏色,使你覺得擔子太重、太難。請記得,神在你身上的計劃,和實現這些計劃的方法,都是神的絕頂智慧。--蓋恩夫人 Madame Guyon


Why Dost Thou Worry Thyself

Scripture: "This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing" (Isa. 28:12).

Why dost thou worry thyself? What use can thy fretting serve? Thou art on board a vessel which thou couldst not steer even if the great Captain put thee at the helm, of which thou couldst not so much as reef a sail, yet thou worriest as if thou wert captain and helmsman. Oh, be quiet; God is Master!

Dost thou think that all this din and hurly-burly that is abroad betokens that God has left His throne?

No, man, His coursers rush furiously on, and His chariot is the storm; but there is a bit between their jaws, and He holds the reins, and guides them as He wills! Jehovah is Master yet; believe it; peace be unto thee! be not afraid. --C. H. Spurgeon

I entreat you, give no place to despondency. This is a dangerous temptation--a refined, not a gross temptation of the adversary. Melancholy contracts and withers the heart, and renders it unfit to receive the impressions of grace. It magnifies and gives a false coloring to objects, and thus renders your burdens too heavy to bear. God's designs regarding you, and His methods of bringing about these designs, are infinitely wise. --Madame Guyon
| Mrs. Charles Cowman