
經文:「…我手的工作,你們可以吩咐我。」(賽45:11) 這是何等的殊榮,至高的神竟然說:我們可以吩咐祂?神真的是可以吩咐的嗎?是,是真的!主耶穌在世的時候,曾使用過這樣的特權;還有約書亞、以利亞和馬丁路得等,也都曾享用過這樣的特權: 主耶穌在約翰福音十七章二十四節的記載中,曾要求父神說:「父啊,我在那裡,願祢所賜給我的人,也同我在那裡。」;主耶穌敢這樣要求,是因為祂深信天父必將祂所求的給祂。 約書亞在大獲得勝時,手擧起槍對著將落的夕陽高聲喊著說:「日頭阿,你要停在基遍。」(書10:12);語氣是多麼堅定又充滿把握! 以利亞三年零六個月求天關鎖使天不降雨;然後又求天打開重降下雨來;他在神的面前真是何等勇敢! 馬丁路得跪在將死的麥蘭基登 Melanchthon 身旁,大聲喝止死亡奪去他親愛的朋友;這又是怎樣的勇氣! 親愛的讀者,神許可我們與祂之間的是多麼奇妙的關係!我們以往只知道經上曾說:「我親手鋪張諸天,天上萬象也是我所命定的。」(賽45:12)如今卻看見神說我們可以吩咐祂?叫我們命令神,這簡直是顚倒次序,未免太過奇怪! 我們平時禱告的態度是:狐疑、躊躇、不信;相較於主耶穌、約書亞、以利亞、馬丁路得等各位聖者禱告態度的:堅決、勇敢、深信;相差是多麼的不同!因為我們的禱告常常只是重複的字句,這樣並沒有能力。 主耶穌在世的時候,常給人機會去吩咐祂!就像祂將進耶利哥時,問那瞎眼的乞丐說:「你要我為你做甚麼?」(路18:41);這其實就是在說:「你可以吩咐我。」 然而世人有限的智慧,怎麼能領會神給予我們的地位呢?神所說的是:「我一切所有的,你們可以吩咐。」;「你們奉我的名,無論求甚麼,我必成就。」(約14:13)--梅爾 F. B. Meyer 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "Concerning the work of my hands command ye me" (Isa. 45:11). Our Lord spoke in this tone when He said, "Father, I will." Joshua used it when, in the supreme moment of triumph, he lifted up his spear toward the setting sun, and cried, "Sun, stand thou still!" Elijah used it when he shut the heavens for three years and six months, and again opened them. Luther used it when, kneeling by the dying Melanchthon, he forbade death to take his prey. It is a marvelous relationship into which God bids us enter. We are familiar with words like those which follow in this paragraph: "I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded." But that God should invite us to command Him, this is a change in relationship which is altogether startling! What a difference there is between this attitude and the hesitating, halting, unbelieving prayers to which we are accustomed, and which by their perpetual repetition lose edge and point! How often during His earthly life did Jesus put men into a position to command Him! When entering Jericho, He stood still, and said to the blind beggars: "What will ye that I shall do unto you?" It was as though He said, "I am yours to command."Can we ever forget how He yielded to the Syrophenician woman the key to His resources and told her to help herself even as she would? What mortal mind can realize the full significance of the position to which our God lovingly raises His little children? He seems to say, "All my resources are at your command." "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do." --F. B. Meyer | Mrs. Charles Cowman