經文:「在火中遊行。」(但3:25) 烈火並沒有制服他們;他們倒是在火中遊行,然後在其中看見神大能的神蹟。因為神的拯救不是免去患難的拯救,乃是經過患難的拯救。哦,我的神!當黑暗壟罩的時候求祢教導我:我不過是暫時在隧道中,不久就會再度重見天日。 人們告訴我:有一天我將站在橄欖山頂享受復活的榮耀。但是父阿,我還要向祢求一件事,那就是主的十字架一步一步地領我上去。因為我知道這世界的患難是一條進入天父家的通路,所以求祢叫我知道,爬山的代價是必須的,因為祢的家是在山上! 我既能在火中遊行,患難怎能傷害我呢?--馬德勝 Geo. Matheson 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會 |
◇◇◇ Scripture: "Walking in the midst of the fire" (Daniel 3:25). The fire did not arrest their motion; they walked in the midst of it. It was one of the streets through which they moved to their destiny. The comfort of Christ's revelation is not that it teaches emancipation from sorrow, but emancipation through sorrow. O my God, teach me, when the shadows have gathered, that I am only in a tunnel. It is enough for me to know that it will be all right some day. They tell me that I shall stand upon the peaks of Olivet, the heights of resurrection glory. But I want more, O my Father; I want Calvary to lead up to it. I want to know that the shadows of this world are the shades of an avenue the avenue to the house of my Father. Tell me I am only forced to climb because Thy house is on the hill! I shall receive no hurt from sorrow if I shall walk in the midst of the fire. --George Matheson | Mrs. Charles Cowman |