經文:「因爲祂打破,又纏裹,祂擊傷,用手醫治。」(伯 5:18) 我們行經那昔日曾被地震所搖撼過的山麓, 我們看到那經歷了災難的破壞後, 仍有若干歲月的平靜與安寧。 池塘之上水波不興, 躺在昔日崩塌的岩石之下; 水中百合鮮豔明媚, 蘆葦也濃密成蔭搖曳生姿。 在那被遺忘的墳上, 已建立起新的村莊; 教堂的塔尖在風雨晦冥中巍然高聳, 發出了新的呼喚, 祈求真神的保護。 詩篇中說:「地的深處在祂手中,山的高峰也屬祂。」(詩 95:4) 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會 |
◇◇◇ Scripture: "He maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth and his hands make whole" (Job 5:18). As we pass beneath the hills which have been shaken by the earthquake and torn by convulsion, we find that periods of perfect repose succeed those of destruction. The pools of calm water lie clear beneath their fallen rocks, the water lilies gleam, and the reeds whisper among the shadows; the village rises again over the forgotten graves, and its church tower, white through the storm twilight, proclaims a renewed appeal to His protection "in whose hand are all the corners of the earth, and the strength of the hills is his also." --Ruskin | Mrs. Charles Cowman |