5月 1日 信心的禱告



信心,能把應許變成預言;因為光是應許還需要我們沒有攔阻才能實現。現在信心既然能把應許變作預言,我們就可以公開宣佈:某件事情必會成功,因為神不能說謊。--譯自地上的屬天生活 Days of Heaven upon Earth



信心,在黑暗中與神同行的時候只求一件事,求神緊緊握住它的手。--Phillips Brooks


The Prayer of Faith

Scripture: "God that cannot lie promised" (Titus 1:2).

Faith is not working up by will power a sort of certainty that something is coming to pass, but it is seeing as an actual fact that God has said that this thing shall come to pass, and that it is true, and then rejoicing to know that it is true, and just resting because God has said it.

Faith turns the promise into a prophecy. While it is merely a promise it is contingent upon our cooperation. But when faith claims it, it becomes a prophecy, and we go forth feeling that it is something that must be done because God cannot lie.--Days of Heaven upon Earth

I hear men praying everywhere for more faith, but when I listen to them carefully, and get at the real heart of their prayer, very often it is not more faith at all that they are wanting, but a change from faith to sight.

Faith says not, "I see that it is good for me, so God must have sent it," but, "God sent it, and so it must be good for me."

Faith, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely.
--Phillips Brooks
| Mrs. Charles Cowman