經文:「祂必坐下如煉淨銀子的。」(瑪3:3) 我們的父神要我們完全聖潔,像祂自己聖潔一樣。神知道爐火的效力;而我們也知道金屬越貴重,鎔煉就越費工;首先必須經過烈火,因為烈火才能使金屬鎔化;而鎔化的狀態,能把攙雜在其中的劣質分別出來;也只有在鎔化的階段,才能把金屬重新塑型。 老練的煉金師會持續坐在煉鍋旁邊,一刻不走開,因為要控制熱度以避免金屬受損;一直到他把最後的雜質從鎔化的金屬表面撇去;再看見自己的臉從純淨的鎔金表面鏡射映出,他就立刻把爐火熄滅。--裴爾遜 A.T. Pierson 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver" (Mal. 3:3). Our Father, who seeks to perfect His saints in holiness, knows the value of the refiner's fire. It is with the most precious metals that the assayer takes the most pains, and subjects them to the hot fire, because such fires melt the metal, and only the molten mass releases its alloy or takes perfectly its new form in the mould. The old refiner never leaves his crucible, but sits down by it, lest there should be one excessive degree of heat to mar the metal. But as soon as he skims from the surface the last of the dross, and sees his own face reflected, he puts out the fire.--Arthur T. Pierson | Mrs. Charles Cowman