10月20日 永久的平安




神的平安就像那「海墊褥」,祂的平安是永久的平安,沉在人靈裡的最深處;是外在的困難和騷動所不能觸及:凡是來到到神前的人,都能享受這樣的平安。--裴爾遜 A.T. Pierson


Cushion of the Sea

Scripture: "And the peace of God, which transcends all our powers of thought, will be a garrison to guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:7) (Weymouth).

There is what is called the "cushion of the sea." Down beneath the surface that is agitated by storms, and driven about with winds, there is a part of the sea that is never stirred. When we dredge the bottom and bring up the remains of animal and vegetable life we find that they give evidence of not having been disturbed in the least, for hundreds and thousands of years. The peace of God is that eternal calm which, like the cushion of the sea, lies far too deep down to be reached by any external trouble and disturbance; and he who enters into the presence of God, becomes partaker of that undisturbed and undisturbable calm.--Dr. A. T. Pierson
| Mrs. Charles Cowman