經文:「不要...心懷不平。」(詩37:1) 這是一道誡命,和「不可偷盜」(出20:15)一樣是神的命令。那如果讓我們為它下一個定義的話,到底甚麼是「心懷不平」呢? 在此有幾個很好的定義方式:「『心懷不平』是平面上起的皺紋。」;是一種「磨損或是消耗」。一位乖戾、無理性、吹毛求疵的人,不但消耗自己,並且消耗他人。所以「心懷不平」就是心中充滿煩擾;這樣是有害的,因為神不要我們自己傷害自己。 根據醫學報導:一次發怒,對於身體的傷害,比一次感冒發燒還嚴重,所以一位時常「心懷不平」的人無法擁有健康的身體,因為「心懷不平」容易使我們動氣,而動氣就容易使我們動怒。 所以,請讓我們服從神的命令,那就是:「不要....心懷不平」!--襥登 Margaret Bottome 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "Fret not" (Ps. 37:1). This to me is a Divine command; the same as "Thou shalt not steal." Now let us get to the definition of fretting. One good definition is, "Made rough on the surface." "Rubbed, or worn away"; and a peevish, irrational, fault-finding person not only wears himself out, but is very wearing to others. To fret is to be in a state of vexation, and in this Psalm we are not only told not to fret because of evildoers, but to fret not "in anywise." It is injurious, and God does not want us to hurt ourselves. A physician will tell you that a fit of anger is more injurious to the system than a fever, and a fretful disposition is not conducive to a healthy body; and you know rules are apt to work both ways, and the next step down from fretting is crossness, and that amounts to anger. Let us settle this matter, and be obedient to the command, "Fret not."--Margaret Bottome | Mrs. Charles Cowman