2月19日 多結果子




「我所愛的孩子阿,妳是否不能理解自己一生的遭遇呢?請看看這座葡萄園,從其中學習一個功課吧。園丁若不持續修剪,多餘又不結果的枝子不清除,害蟲和雜草任意蔓延,所以應當收成的季節竟然一顆葡萄也沒有。妳難道要我停止修剪妳的生命,將妳冷落放在一邊嗎?」她的心裡頓時受了安慰,大聲說道: 「不!不!」--狄克生 Homera Homer-Dixon


Pruned to Yield Fruit

Scripture: "And every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit"

A child of God was dazed by the variety of afflictions which seemed to make her their target. Walking past a vineyard in the rich autumnal glow she noticed the untrimmed appearance and the luxuriant wealth of leaves on the vines, that the ground was given over to a tangle of weeds and grass, and that the whole place looked utterly uncared for; and as she pondered, the Heavenly Gardener whispered so precious a message that she would fain pass it on:

"My dear child, are you wondering at the sequence of trials in your life? Behold that vineyard and learn of it. The gardener ceases to prune, to trim, to harrow, or to pluck the ripe fruit only when he expects nothing more from the vine during that season. It is left to itself, because the season of fruit is past and further effort for the present would yield no profit. Comparative uselessness is the condition of freedom from suffering. Do you then wish me to cease pruning your life? Shall I leave you alone?" And the comforted heart cried, "No!"--Homera Homer-Dixon
| Mrs. Charles Cowman