經文:「耶和華要使你乘駕地的高處。」(賽58:14) 精於航空的人告訴我們:他們初學飛行的時候,常是逆風駕駛,因為逆風會把飛機抬得更高。這個秘訣他們是從甚麼地方學得呢?原來是從鳥類那裡學來的。如果一隻鳥正飛著玩,牠就隨風而飛。但若遇見了危險,牠就立刻轉身逆風而飛;這樣就可以再飛的高些。 人生的逆境,就是神賜予的逆風,它們能升你到最高級的--屬天的--生活去,這就是「耶和華要使你乘駕地高處」的方法。讓我們作一隻帶著響弦的風箏,在神的風中越飄越高,同時發出最好聽的音樂--讚美來,以悅上帝之耳。 你有沒有經歷過:偶爾夏日空氣悶熱時,連呼吸都透不過氣來。等到黑雲浮現電閃雷鳴,傾盆大雨之後,很快空氣就清新了。 人生也是按照同樣的原則;風波一來空氣就會變化--變得清澈明朗充滿生氣,天上的生活也就帶到地上來了。--選 所以我們一遇到障礙就當立即開口歌唱。風甚麼時候發出聲響?不是在飛過海洋的時候,乃是在穿越樹叢的時候。--選 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth" (Isa. 58:14). Those who fly through the air in airships tell us that one of the first rules they learn is to turn their ship toward the wind, and fly against it. The wind lifts the ship up to higher heights. Where did they learn that? They learned it from the birds. If a bird is flying for pleasure, it goes with the wind. But if the bird meets danger, it turns right around and faces the wind, in order that it may rise higher; and it flies away towards the very sun. Sufferings are God's winds, His contrary winds, sometimes His strong winds. They are God's hurricanes, but, they take human life and lift it to higher levels and toward God's heavens. You have seen in the summer time a day when the atmosphere was so oppressive that you could hardly breathe? But a cloud appeared on the western horizon and that cloud grew larger and threw out rich blessing for the world. The storm rose, lightning flashed and thunder pealed. The storm covered the world, and the atmosphere was cleansed; new life was in the air, and the world was changed. Human life is worked out according to exactly the same principle. When the storm breaks the atmosphere is changed, clarified, filled with new life; and a part of heaven is brought down to earth. --Selected Obstacles ought to set us singing. The wind finds voice, not when rushing across the open sea, but when hindered by the outstretched arms of the pine trees, or broken by the fine strings of an Aeolian harp. Then it has songs of power and beauty. Set your freed soul sweeping across the obstacles of life, through grim forests of pain, against even the tiny hindrances and frets that love uses, and it, too, will find its singing voice. --Selected | Mrs. Charles Cowman