
經文:「我必向以色列如甘露。」(何14:5) 露,代表新鮮、朝氣、活潑。上帝降露原是為著更新大地、滋潤花草。聖經中也常說起露,用來表明屬靈的更新。上帝常藉著聖靈更新祂的子民,猶如用露更新大地一般。在提多書三章五節所說的「聖靈的更新」,就是講聖靈有如露珠一般的執事。 許多神的僕人,不懂得屬靈露珠在他們生命中的重要,結果他們並不活潑,缺乏朝氣,靈性下沉(甚至枯萎),就是因為沒有靈露的更新。 親愛的同工,你想一位工人能不吃東西而整天工作麼?你想一位神的工人能不吃屬靈的嗎哪而專一事奉麼?不,絕對不能。就算偶爾吃一次還是不夠,必須每天接受聖靈更新好成為靈性的滋養。 那麼,怎樣去接受神的靈露呢?那就是安靜與吸收。每當深夜寂靜,花草葉子的氣孔都張開時,正是它們吸收露珠的時候。 屬靈的露珠也是這樣,當我們在神的跟前安靜等待的時候,就會得到更新和滋潤。急躁不會叫你得到甚麼;安靜等待,直到你沉浸在神的同在中;然後帶著主的新鮮和活潑進入工場。--巴亭登 Dr.Pardington 有風與熱的時候,露珠並不能凝結。風必須平靜,熱必須降溫,大氣必須回到冷靜的界點,露珠才能凝結在葉子與花瓣上。照樣神更新的恩典也是如此,必須等到人的火氣退去,靈裡安靜,然後才降甘露滋潤我們。--選 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "I will be as the dew unto Israel" (Hosea 14:5). The dew is a source of freshness. It is nature's provision for renewing the face of the earth. It falls at night, and without it the vegetation would die. It is this great value of the dew which is so often recognized in the Scriptures. It is used as the symbol of spiritual refreshing. Just as nature is bathed in dew, so the Lord renews His people. In Titus 3:5 the same thought of spiritual refreshing is connected with the ministry of the Holy Ghost--"renewing of the Holy Ghost." Many Christian workers do not recognize the importance of the heavenly dew in their lives, and as a result they lack freshness and vigor. Their spirits are drooping for lack of dew. Beloved fellow-worker, you recognize the folly of a laboring man attempting to do his day's work without eating. Do you recognize the folly of a servant of God attempting to minister without eating of the heavenly manna? Nor will it suffice to have spiritual nourishment occasionally. Every day you must receive the renewing of the Holy Ghost. You know when your whole being is pulsating with the vigor and freshness of Divine life and when you feel jaded and worn. Quietness and absorption bring the dew. At night when the leaf and blade are still, the vegetable pores are open to receive the refreshing and invigorating bath; so spiritual dew comes from quiet lingering in the Master's presence. Get still before Him. Haste will prevent your receiving the dew. Wait before God until you feel saturated with His presence; then go forth to your next duty with the conscious freshness and vigor of Christ. --Dr. Pardington Dew will never gather while there is either heat or wind. The temperature must fall, and the wind cease, and the air come to a point of coolness and rest--absolute rest, so to speak--before it can yield up its invisible particles of moisture to bedew either herb or flower. So the grace of God does not come forth to rest the soul of man until the still point is fairly and fully reached. | Mrs. Charles Cowman