9月29日 專心祈禱



華德飛 Whitefield 曾說:「數日數夜,甚至數星期,我平躺在地上專心禱告;有時出聲,有時靜默。」;還有一位常常投入禱告的人說:「在那裡跪下雙膝,就在那裡長進。」;他說的正是自己的領悟。

曾經有人說,凡是無法獨處的人,絕不能在文學或者科學上有所成就。在屬靈的事上也是如此,凡是不常花長時間與神單獨親近的人,絕不能在屬靈的事上得到長進。--譯自靜默的時刻 The Still Hour


Long Hours

Scripture: "I will give myself unto prayer" (Ps. 109:4).

We are often in a religious hurry in our devotions. How much time do we spend in them daily? Can it not be easily reckoned in minutes? Who ever knew an eminently holy man who did not spend much of his time in prayer? Did ever a man exhibit much of the spirit of prayer, who did not devote much time in his closet?

Whitefield says, "Whole days and weeks have I spent prostrate on the ground, in silent or vocal prayer." "Fall upon your knees and grow there," is the language of another, who knew whereof he affirmed.

It has been said that no great work in literature or science was ever wrought by a man who did not love solitude. We may lay it down as an elemental principle of religion, that no large growth in holiness was ever gained by one who did not take time to be often, and long, alone with God. --The Still Hour
| Mrs. Charles Cowman