經文:「那靠著良人從曠野上來的,是誰呢?」(歌8:5) 某回我在一場祈禱會中,學到了一門有益的功課。有位弟兄起來禱告,求神賜下各種祝福給在場的我們,內容不外乎我們平時的禱告;然後他也為已經得著的獻上感謝,就像我們平時的感謝詞;但就在他結束禱告的時候,他加上一句奇妙的請求,說: 「主呀,撐住我們!是的,主呀,在我們所倚靠的每一側撐住我們!」 親愛的讀者,你有沒有可以倚靠的主呢?這位弟兄用了一個新的方法, 把我們的倚靠描述得很清楚;他對於我們所倚靠的主,有了新的看見,他也把這個看見,分享給了我們。 我們的主是時時在祂百姓身邊的主,祂隨時都張開仁慈的雙臂來撐住祂軟弱的孩子。--選 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?" (S. of Sol. 8:5). Some one gained a good lesson from a Southern prayer meeting. A brother asked the Lord for various blessings--as you and I do, and thanked the Lord for many already received--as you and I do; but he closed with this unusual petition: "And, O Lord, support us! Yes support us Lord on every leanin' side!" Have you any leaning sides? This humble man's prayer pictures them in a new way and shows the Great Supporter in a new light also. He is always walking by the Christian, ready to extend His mighty arm and steady the weak one on "every leanin' side." | Mrs. Charles Cowman