經文:「祂又領我到寬闊之處,祂救拔我,因祂喜悅我。」(詩18:19) 這「寬闊之處」究竟是甚麼?不是別的,就是神自己,是一切生命源流的歸宿。神實在是一個寬闊之處。大衛被領到寬闊之處前,是先經過貶抑和卑微的。--蓋恩夫人 Madame Guyon 「我如鷹將你們背在翅膀上,帶來歸我。」(出19:4) 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me; because he delighted in me" (Ps. 18:19). And what is this "large place"? What can it be but God Himself, that infinite Being in whom all other beings and all other streams of life terminate? God is a large place indeed. And it was through humiliation, through abasement, through nothingness that David was brought into it.--Madame Guyon "I bare you on eagle's wings, and brought you unto myself" (Exod. 19:4). | Mrs. Charles Cowman