經文:「耶和華獨自引導他。」(申32:12) 山路雖然險阻,但是沿途有同伴的談笑,也就不覺得那麼難行了;心想繼續這樣走上山頂,也不算難吧;誰知突然出現一條狹窄曲折的小徑,然後主對我說:「我的孩子,這裡你獨自跟我走罷。」 我雖然感到惶恐,但是心的深處卻帶著信心回答:「主阿,願祢的旨意成就。」;主握住我弱小的手,接受了我的順服。我跟隨祂走上一條漫長又黑暗的路;並且除祂以外,沒有看見一位朋友。 主眞是溫柔,祂用溫暖的手牽著我前進,對我說了許多激勵的話語,在我耳邊吐露祂奇妙的愛情;於是,我也將自己的憂愁和恐懼一一訴說,極度安心地倚偎在祂強壯的膀臂中。 那時,我的腳步加快,我的喜樂實在難以形容,崎嶇的山路竟也發出明亮的光輝。 再過不久,我們就要在天上與許多曾經失去的摯愛重逢;但那再怎麼超乎想像的狂喜、快樂的歌唱、親密的擁抱、旅程的回憶等等,卻只有一件最值得紀念的;那就是當我們在黑暗中攀登狹窄的峭壁時,我的神獨自引導我們。--選 |
Scripture: "Alone" (Deut. 32:12). "The hill was steep, but cheered along the way By converse sweet, I mounted on the thought That so it might be till the height was reached; But suddenly a narrow winding path Appeared, and then the Master said, 'My child, Here thou wilt safest walk with Me alone.' "I trembled, yet my heart's deep trust replied, 'So be it, Lord.' He took my feeble hand In His, accepting thus my will to yield Him All, and to find all in Him. One long, dark moment, And no friend I saw, save Jesus only. "But oh! so tenderly He led me on And up, and spoke to me such words of cheer, Such secret whisperings of His wondrous love, That soon I told Him all my grief and fear, And leaned on His strong arm confidingly. "And then I found my footsteps quickened, And light ineffable, the rugged way Illumined, such light as only can be seen In close companionship with God. "A little while, and we shall meet again The loved and lost; but in the rapturous joy Of greetings, such as here we cannot know, And happy song, and heavenly embraces, And tender recollections rushing back Of pilgrim life, methinks one memory More dear and sacred than the rest, shall rise, "And we who gather in the golden streets, Shall oft be stirred to speak with grateful love Of that dark day when Jesus bade us climb Some narrow steep, leaning on Him alone." "There is no high hill but beside some deep valley. There is no birth without a pang."--Dan Crawford | Mrs. Charles Cowman