8月 3日 要剛強


不要求安樂的生活,要求作剛強的大丈夫。不要求與你能力相當的工作,要求與你工作相當的能力。這樣,你所做的雖然不是神蹟,你自己卻成為一個神蹟。--白羅克斯 Phillips Brooks





Be Strong

Scripture: "Quit you like men, be strong" (1 Cor. 16:13).

Do not pray for easy lives! Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle. --Phillips Brooks.

We must remember that it is not in any easy or self-indulgent life that Christ will lead us to greatness. The easy life leads not upward, but downward. Heaven always is above us, and we must ever be looking up toward it. These are some people who always avoid things that are costly, that require self-denial, or self-restraint and sacrifice, but toil and hardship show us the only way to nobleness. Greatness comes not by having a mossy path made for you through the meadow, but by being sent to hew out a roadway by your own hands. Are you going to reach the mountain splendors?--Selected.
| Mrs. Charles Cowman