經文:「在一切淨光的高處必有他們的牧場。」(賽49:9) 玩具與飾品或許能輕易獲取,但是,貴重的事物則須要付上重大的代價。就像權能的最高處總是需要用血買贖;只要你能付上足夠的血的代價,就有希望達到得勝的巔峰。同樣,屬靈的巔峰也是如此。就像真正的英雄故事,都是充滿犧牲與流血的歷程。因為生命和人格的最高價值,不會只是偶然隨風飄來。所有偉大的生命靈魂,都是經過沉重的受苦。 愈是需要操練信心的環境,愈能使我們有能力認識神;所以,當艱難圍困的時候,我們只要感謝神這一路的擔當,然後就是緊緊地依偎祂。 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "On all bare heights shall be their pasture" (Isa. 49:9, RV). Toys and trinkets are easily won, but the greatest things are greatly bought. The top-most place of power is always bought with blood. You may have the pinnacles if you have enough blood to pay. That is the conquest condition of the holy heights everywhere. The story of real heroisms is the story of sacrificial blood. The chiefest values in life and character are not blown across our way by vagrant winds. Great souls have great sorrows. The capacity for knowing God enlarges as we are brought by Him into circumstances which oblige us to exercise faith; so, when difficulties beset our path let us thank God that He is taking trouble with us, and lean hard upon Him. | Mrs. Charles Cowman