4月30日 豐年與荒年


法老的夢也給予我們一個警告:在我們一生中最得意的幾年、最寶貴的經歷、最可誇的得勝、最有效的事奉,常常會被後來的軟弱、失敗、跌倒、灰心、冷淡、退縮…等等吞吃去。許多成就大事業的偉人,往往也會有這樣的結果,想起來也真是覺得可怕。雖然這的確是事實,但並非是絕對無法避免的。戈登 S.D.Gordon 說要避免這種悲劇,只有一個穩妥的方法,就是隨時與神有新鮮的接觸。

昨天以前最光榮的勝利,到了今天並不發生甚麼功效,最多只能算是為了日後能獲得更深更豐富經歷的參考罷了。唯有住在基督裡時時與神新鮮的接觸,才能使我們生命中的瘦牛和細穗跑掉。--譯自晨更信息 Messages for the Morning Watch


Fresh Touch with God

Scripture: "And the ill favored and lean-fleshed kine did eat up the seven well favored and fat kin…and the thin, ears swallowed up the seven rank and full ears" (Gen. 41:4, 7).

There is a warning for us in that dream, just as it stands: It is possible for the best years of our life, the best experiences, the best victories won, the best service rendered, to be swallowed up by times of failure, defeat, dishonor, uselessness in the kingdom. Some men's lives of rare promise and rare achievement have ended so. It is awful to think of, but it is true. Yet it is never necessary.

S. D. Gordon has said that the only assurance of safety against this tragedy is "fresh touch with God," daily, hourly. The blessed, fruitful, victorious experiences of yesterday are not only of no value to me today, but they will actually be eaten up or reversed by today's failures, unless they serve as incentives to still better, richer experiences today.

"Fresh touch with God," by abiding in Christ, alone will keep the lean kine and the ill favored grain out of my life.--Messages for the Morning Watch
| Mrs. Charles Cowman