神一直在預備祂的勇士;等到時候到了,祂就會將他們放在適合的地位;而那時世界就要驚訝,不知道他們從何而來。所以親愛的讀者們,請讓聖靈用各種不同的方法來栽培你吧;等到最後一步裝備完成,神就要將你安放在適合的位置上。 這一天即將來到,就像俄陀聶一樣,我們也將坐在寶座上,與基督一同掌權管轄列國。可是在那榮耀的日子來臨之前,必須讓神先預備我們,就像當初神在古珊利薩田的苛政之下預備俄陀聶。而神每在地上預備一位俄陀聶,祂在天上也就預備好一個寶座。--信宣 A. B. Simpson 每一個人必須先經過患難的隧道,然後才能走上勝利的大道。 |
Scripture: "And when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer...who delivered them, even Othniel...Caleb's younger brother. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him" (Judges 3:9, 10). God is preparing His heroes; and when opportunity comes, He can fit them into their place in a moment, and the world will wonder where they came from. Let the Holy Ghost prepare you, dear friend, by the discipline of life; and when the last finishing touch has been given to the marble, it will be easy for God to put it on the pedestal, and fit it into its niche. There is a day coming when, like Othniel, we, too, shall judge the nations, and rule and reign with Christ on the millennial earth. But ere that glorious day can be we must let God prepare us, as He did Othniel at Kirjath-sepher, amid the trials of our present life, and the little victories, the significance of which, perhaps, we little dream. At least, let us be sure of this, and if the Holy Ghost has an Othniel ready, the Lord of Heaven and earth has a throne prepared for him.--A. B. Simpson "Every highway of human life dips in the dale now and then. Every man must go through the tunnel of tribulation before he can travel on the elevated road of triumph." | Mrs. Charles Cowman