經文:「你們要安靜,要知道我是神。」(詩46:10) 我們若是想要眞實認識神,內心的鎮靜是絕對必須的。我還記得自己曾經如何學習這門功課:我當時正在面對一件非常危急的情況,整個人緊繃到彷彿全身的血管緊張細胞跳動;事情需要立即處理,但是當時的情況又讓我根本什麼都不能做。 我那時因著內心的混亂,感覺上連身體都好像要四分五裂了;但是忽然有一個微小的聲音在靈裡深處說:「你們要安靜,要知道我是神」。 這句經文眞是滿有能力,使我可以集中全身注意力壓制情緒,使它們恢復鎮靜。我把我的急難交給神,並仰望等候祂;真的感覺到有股力量從這鎮靜中出來應付難處。 終於事情平安過去,我也在神裡面得了安息。這是我最寶貴的經歷,因為從此我更加認識神。--Hannah Whitall Smith 這種不躁動並不是懶惰,乃是從信靠產生的一種活的鎮靜。 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "Their strength is to sit still." (Isa. 30:7) KJV. In order really to know God, inward stillness is absolutely necessary. I remember when I first learned this. A time of great emergency had risen in my life, when every part of my being seemed to throb with anxiety, and when the necessity for immediate and vigorous action seemed overpowering; and yet circumstances were such that I could do nothing, and the person who could, would not stir. For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God." The word was with power, and I hearkened. I composed my body to perfect stillness, and I constrained my troubled spirit into quietness, and looked up and waited; and then I did "know" that it was God, God even in the very emergency and in my helplessness to meet it; and I rested in Him. It was an experience that I would not have missed for worlds; and I may add also, that out of this stillness seemed to arise a power to deal with the emergency, that very soon brought it to a successful issue. I learned then effectually that my "strength was to sit still." --Hannah Whitall Smith There is a perfect passivity which is not indolence. It is a living stillness born of trust. Quiet tension is not trust. It is simply compressed anxiety. | Mrs. Charles Cowman