4月 5日 神奇妙的安排




有許多信徒正過著刻板文章式的生活;他們知道哪些事情,會在甚麼時間發生,又該用何種方法對付。但是對於那些神有特別期許的信徒,常常會被神圈在一個隔離的處境,和所有的常情常理斷絕,專門接受神的非常訓練。所以請讓我們試著學這寡婦:外在與世隔離,心內與神親近;這樣我們就會看見主的神蹟了。--譯自靈糧 Soul Food



God's Mysterious Dealings

Scripture: "Thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons" (2 Kings 4:4).

They were to be alone with God, for they were not dealing with the laws of nature, nor human government, nor the church, nor the priesthood, nor even with the great prophet of God, but they must needs be isolated from all creatures, from all leaning circumstances, from all props of human reason, and swung off, as it were, into the vast blue inter-stellar space, hanging on God alone, in touch with the fountain of miracles.

Here is a part in the programme of God's dealings, a secret chamber of isolation in prayer and faith which every soul must enter that is very fruitful.

There are times and places where God will form a mysterious wall around us, and cut away all props, and all the ordinary ways of doing things, and shut us up to something Divine, which is utterly new and unexpected, something that old circumstances do not fit into, where we do not know just what will happen, where God is cutting the cloth of our lives on a new pattern, where He makes us look to Himself.

Most religious people live in a sort of treadmill life, where they can calculate almost everything that will happen, but the souls that God leads out into immediate and special dealings, He shuts in where all they know is that God has hold of them, and is dealing with them, and their expectation is from Him alone.

Like this widow, we must be detached from outward things and attached inwardly to the Lord alone in order to see His wonders. --Soul Food

In the sorest trials God often makes the sweetest discoveries of Himself. --Gems
| Mrs. Charles Cowman