3月18日 鎮靜





當塵世的擾攘過去之後,人們將懷念我們,好像我們懷念露珠、曙光和太陽,晚風和各各他的羔羊,和那至善至尊至福的天堂。所以神啊,請賜給我們祢的鎮靜吧!--信宣 A. B. Simpson


假若我們也被這種美德所感動,我們就能立刻化偏狹爲謙容,不至產生報復的衝動,因而虧損了我們爲主作見證的立場。因爲祂來到世上,不是要毀滅生命,乃是要拯救生命. --W. H. Griffith Thomas


He Answered Nothing

Scripture: "He answered nothing" (Mark 15:3).

There is no spectacle in all the Bible so sublime as the silent Savior answering not a word to the men who were maligning Him, and whom He could have laid prostrate at His feet by one look of Divine power, or one word of fiery rebuke. But He let them say and do their worst, and He stood in THE POWER OF STILLNESS--God's holy silent Lamb.

There is a stillness that lets God work for us, and holds our peace; the stillness that ceases from its contriving and its self-vindication, and its expedients of wisdom and forethought, and lets God provide and answer the cruel blow, in His own unfailing, faithful love.

How often we lose God's interposition by taking up our own cause, and striking for our defense. God give to us this silent power, this conquered spirit! And after the heat and strife of earth are over, men will remember us as we remember the morning dew, the gentle light and sunshine, the evening breeze, the Lamb of Calvary, and the gentle, holy heavenly Dove. --A. B. Simpson

I remember once hearing Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, so well known as "The Apostle of the Indians," utter these beautiful words: "For thirty years I have tried to see the face of Christ in those with whom I differed." When this spirit actuates us we shall be preserved at once from a narrow bigotry and an easy-going tolerance, from passionate vindictiveness and everything that would mar or injure our testimony for Him who came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them. --W. H. Griffith Thomas
| Mrs. Charles Cowman