經文:「住在那裡,等我吩咐你。」(太2:13) 我不安定的心哪,你跳得多麼利害,撞在環境的鐵欄,想衝出去,到外面更寬廣的境界去工作。靜下來罷,讓天父替你安排你的日子罷!今時的忍耐和信靠,就是未來差你作大事的預備。--選 新譯|荒漠甘泉讀書會
Scripture: "Be thou there till I bring thee word" (Matt. 2:13). "Oh restless heart, that beat against your prison bars of circumstances, yearning for a wider sphere of usefulness, leave God to order all your days. Patience and trust, in the dullness of the routine of life, will be the best preparation for a courageous bearing of the tug and strain of the larger opportunity which God may some time send you." | Mrs. Charles Cowman